Next-Drupal 1.4

June 14, 2022 - @shadcn

In April, we released next-drupal 1.3 with DrupalClient, a powerful and customizable JSON:API client for fetching data from Drupal.

Two months in, DrupalClient is a success. We have seen an increasing number of new projects adopting DrupalClient, from small headless projects to big brands building on top of next-drupal.

We just passed 1000+ weekly downloads 🎉.

Today, we're announcing next-drupal 1.4 with stable DrupalClient and write-operations (CRUD) for JSON:API.

yarn add next-drupal@latest

The DrupalClient is an incremental upgrade. You can safely upgrade your site to next-drupal 1.4.0 without any breaking changes.


  1. DrupalClient is now stable and production-ready
  2. Write operations for JSON:API
  3. Support for more authentication methods
  4. New documentation site
  5. Umami Demo

DrupalClient is now stable and production-ready

import { DrupalClient } from "next-drupal"
const drupal = new DrupalClient("")
// Fetch articles.
const articles = await drupal.getResourceCollection("node--article")

We have upgraded the basic starter to use the DrupalClient.

Write operations for JSON:API

You can now create, update, delete and fetch JSON:API resources using next-drupal.


const article = await drupal.getResource(


const article = await drupal.createResource("node--article", {
data: {
attributes: {
title: "Title of Article",
body: {
value: "<p>Content of body field</p>",
format: "full_html",


const file = await drupal.createFileResource("file--file", {
data: {
attributes: {
type: "media--image",
field: "field_media_image",
filename: "filename.jpg",
file: await fs.readFile("/path/to/file.jpg"),


const article = await drupal.updateResource(
data: {
attributes: {
title: "Title of Article",


const deleted = await drupal.deleteResource(

Support for more authentication methods

The DrupalClient works with several auth types. You can use Bearer tokens, Basic tokens or bring your own authorization headers.

Authentication can now be set globally on the client or custom per method.

Client Authentication

Set a global auth to be used on the client.

import { DrupalClient } from "next-drupal"
export const drupal = new DrupalClient(
auth: // Configure the global auth here.

Method Authentication

Provide a custom auth per method call.

import { drupal } from "lib/drupal"
const userArticles = await drupal.getResourceCollection("node--article", {
params: {
withAuth: // Set the custom auth here.

We have also added support for clientId/clientSecret, username/password, callback and NextAuth.js authentication methods.

New documentation site

The documentation site got an upgrade. Every doc, guide and example have been rewritten for DrupalClient.

We have also added API reference for every method, with examples.

const resource = await drupal.getResource<T = JsonApiResource>(
options?: {
): Promise<T>
  • type: string
    • Required
    • The resource type. Example: node--article, taxonomy_term--tags, or block_content--basic.
  • uuid: string
    • Required
    • The id of the resource. Example: 15486935-24bf-4be7-b858-a5b2de78d09d.
  • options
    • Optional
    • params: JsonApiParams: JSON:API params such as filter, fields, include or sort.
    • withAuth: boolean | DrupalClientAuth:
      • Set the authentication method to use. See the authentication docs.
      • Set to true to use the authentication method configured on the client.
    • deserialize: boolean: Set to false to return the raw JSON:API response.
    • locale: string: The locale to fetch the resource in.
    • defaultLocale: string: The default locale of the site.
    • withCache: boolean: Set withCache if you want to store and retrieve the resource from cache.
    • cacheKey: string: The cache key to use.

You can find the old documentation site here.

Umami Demo

We rebuilt the Umami demo as a headless site using next-drupal:

  • Translation Support
  • Contact Form
  • Search
  • Authentication
  • Create new articles via JSON:API
  • Restyled using Tailwind CSS
  • 💯 Lighthouse scores

You can see the demo here.


You can try the new DrupalClient today by following our upgrade guide here.